The Black River Watershed Conference drew a crowd of 80 attendees on June 8. The event was held at the 3 Willows Event Center in Lyon’s Falls, where partners browsed the exhibitor fair, networked, and learned about cutting edge programs and projects throughout the Black River Watershed. An exciting agenda included presentations by Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Friends of the Black River, NY Tug Hill Commission, Lewis County Planning, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, NYS Department of Health, Trout Unlimited, and the St. Lawrence Eastern Lake Ontario Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management. Nichelle Swisher of Lewis County SWCD spoke on Japanese knotweed control, Caitlin Stewart of the Hamilton County SWCD reviewed green infrastructure innovation for stormwater pollution prevention, and Tim Wimmer of Oneida County SWCD showcased agricultural best management practices for water quality protection.
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