Over one hundred people attended Community Resiliency Trainings throughout the Champlain and Upper Hudson River Watersheds. Ten events bolstered flood resiliency toolboxes for highway departments, prepared communities for climate change, and instructed Soil and Water Conservation District staff how to protect watershed health through erosion prevention.
“Soil and Water Conservation Districts partnered with Watershed Coalitions to host trainings that were laser focused on climate resiliency,” said Upper Hudson River Watershed Coalition president Caitlin Stewart. “Our target audience was municipalities, departments of public works, contractors, SWCD staff, environmental and conservation groups, and the public.”
Trainings included classroom and field components. Participants applied concepts, took measurements, and toured completed projects in real-world scenarios.
Emergency Stream Intervention trainings detailed how streams become unstable, why flooding occurs, and how communities can address impacts.
North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative trainings certified participants to identify bridges and culverts that are difficult for aquatic organisms (fish) to pass through. Participants learned how to assess road-stream crossings using a standardized, online scoring system.
Rural Roads Active Management Program training attendees piloted a new app developed by Franklin County SWCD for roadside erosion data collection. They learned about erosion prevention technology like coconut blankets and compost socks. Driving tours spotlighted road and streambank stabilization projects, culvert sizing, green armor, hydroseeding, and natural channel design.
“We appreciate the opportunity to offer these trainings throughout the two watersheds,” said Champlain Watershed Improvement Coalition of New York President Kristin Ballou. “All events were well attended, and attendees were impressed with the quality of information provided and grateful to receive instruction on these topics.”
Funding for trainings was provided to the Upper Hudson River Watershed Coalition and the Champlain Watershed Improvement Coalition by the Soil and Water Conservation Committee in partnership with the Department of Environmental Conservation.
For more about CWICNY, visit www.cwicny.org/.