Hamilton County’s
Invasive Species

Home >> Hamilton County’s Invasive Species


The integrity of Hamilton County’s natural resources are threatened by invasive species! Invasive species are plants and animals that have been introduced beyond the borders of their historic range. They displace native species and cause economic, ecologic, and societal harm. Spread prevention, early detection, and rapid response are the best methods for combating this threat.

Hamilton County SWCD collaborates closely with the Adirondack PRISM to ensure that our county has an effective strategy to help prevent new species from being introduced and control established populations. For a comprehensive look at invasive species in the Adirondacks, please visit the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APIPP) website.

Emerald ash borer
Spotted Lanternfly


  1. Inhibit recreation
  2. Degrade fisheries, forestry, and agricultural resources
  3. Carry disease
  4. Contaminate drinking water
  5. Decrease property value
  6. Destruct wildlife habitat
  7. Displace native species
  8. Alter food webs
  9. Reduce biodiversity
  10. Cause species extinctions


  1. Ship ballast water
  2. Ornamental escapes
  3. Firewood
  4. Watercraft & trailers
  5. Vehicles
  6. Gear and equipment
  7. Release of fishing bait
  8. Aquarium escapes
  9. Intentional introductions
  10. Contaminated fill and seed
  11. Interconnected water bodies
  12. Road and trail corridors
  13. Wood shipping products  
Lythrum salicaria purple loosestrife
Invasive Species Adirondack Park Map


  1. Partner with the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and the United States Department of Agriculture.
  2. Manual, chemical and biological control of terrestrial invasive species on private and public land
  3. Survey and inventory aquatic, terrestrial, and forest invasive species
  4. Practice spread prevention BMPS during field work
  5. Community assistance and education

Click on the map to the left to connect to the Adirondack Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM) – Invasive Species Distribution Map

District Invasive Species Remediation

The District’s certified pesticide applicators can treat invasive plants on private property. Landowners complete the Indemnity Agreement and submit it to the District. Treatment is free.

The Agreement does not guarantee treatment, and site visits pend on staff availability and the priority of the site location. To ensure treatment, landowners should hire a certified applicator. Certified applications can be found on the Department of Environmental Conservation website.

YOU can help!

Follow these Best Management Practices to slow the spread and prevent new introductions:


  • Clean Drain Dry
  • Play Clean Go
  • Don’t Move Firewood