Critical Area Seeding
Area Seeding
Assistance is offered to landowners and municipalities who are dealing with disturbed areas in need of seeding.
Utlizing hydroseeding, seeding & bale mulching, natural riparian stabilization, and technical design for high-flow areas such as those which drain storm water can assist in minimizing soil transportation and establishing a positive foundation for helthy soil.
For more information and price quotes, please contact Lenny Croote through our Contact Us page.
Hydrdoseeding is the technique of applying a slurry of water, seed, fertilizer, and often a tackifier to topsoil. A tank equipped with a special pump and continuous agitation system is used to spray the slurry. It is a fast, cost effective way to protect from erosion from rain or wind impact. With it’s ability to retain up to 10 times its weight in water, hydroseeding has proved to be the best method for fast, healthy germination, high plant survival and protection of seeds.
Seeding and Bale Mulching
One method of non-chemical weed control is to mulch heavily between rows of fruits and vegetables with hay or straw. Breaking down and spreading square bales is too labor intensive for many growers. Large round bales of hay or straw are better suited for mulching because they can be unrolled into layers that are the proper thickness for mulch. Mulching conserves water by allowing less water to evaporate from the soil and prevents soil erosion.
Natural Riparian Stabilization
Natural riparian areas are the vegetated areas adjacent to a flowing body of water. Healthy riparian areas protect water quality by capturing, storing, and treating water through their soils before it gets to streams. Riparian areas with a diversity of plant species are most effective in slowing the flow of water and storing it for future use. The diversity of plants work together to hold streambank soils in place, protect them from erosion, and provide structural support.