Managing and promoting the wise use of natural resources since 1965
Hamilton County residents and business owners can find out if their drinking and swimming water is safe. The District announces our Water Testing Program drop-off dates for the 2022 season. Test kits are available for the following analytes:
Kit 1
Kit 2
Kit 3
Kit 4
Water test kits with instructions are available at municipal offices and at the District office at 103 County View Drive, Lake Pleasant, at all hours, in the lower vestibule. Water samples and payment may be dropped off at the District office on the following Mondays, 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: May 23 June 20, July 19, Aug. 22, and Sept. 19. District staff will deliver water samples to the MVWA in Utica, and lab analysis will be conducted by and certified results sent directly from the MVWA.